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hermes-constance-7 -15%


Description Product code # H828F-87 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermes Product..

$660.00 $560.00
hermes-constance-8 -15%


Description Product code # H828F-86 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermes Product..

$660.00 $560.00
hermes-constance-9 -15%


Description Product code # H828F-85 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermes Product..

$660.00 $560.00
hermes-constance-replica-bag-2 -12% Out Of Stock


Description product code # 17033029 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermès Prod..

$829.00 $729.00
hermes-constance-replica-bag-31 -15%


Description product code # 17070501 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermes Product..

$660.00 $560.00
hermes-constance-replica-bag-black-16 -15%


Description product code # 17041839 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermès Produc..

$669.00 $569.00
hermes-constance-replica-bag-black-2 -13%


Description product code # 17061127x 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermes Produc..

$800.00 $700.00
hermes-constance-replica-bag-black-24 -15%


Description product code # 17061124x 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermes Produc..

$660.00 $560.00
hermes-constance-replica-bag-black-28 -15%


Description product code # 17061128x 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermes Produc..

$660.00 $560.00
hermes-constance-replica-bag-black-3 -15%


Description product code # 8574125 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Hermès Production (impo..

$649.00 $549.00
hermes-constance-replica-bag-blur-5 -15%


Description product code # 17041834 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermès Produc..

$669.00 $569.00
hermes-constance-replica-bag-brown -13%


Description product code # 17061126x 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermes Produc..

$800.00 $700.00
hermes-constance-replica-bag-brown-14 -15%


Description product code # 17041835 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermès Produc..

$669.00 $569.00
hermes-constance-replica-bag-brown-2 -15%


Description product code # 17041852 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermès Produc..

$669.00 $569.00
hermes-constance-replica-bag-brown-20 -15%


Description product code # 17041849 100% Genuine Leather Matching Quality of Original Hermès Produc..

$669.00 $569.00

Even if the Hermès Birkin receives a lot of attention, the brand's Constance has a particular something that sets it apart from other classics. Catherine Chaillet, who created the bag in 1959 and named it after her daughter, who was born on the same day the first bag was completed, is responsible for the Constance's name and elegant lines. From the start, the Constance bag's striking H clasp and boxy shape have made an impression, with famous figures like Jackie Kennedy citing it as their go-to purse.

Since the fashionable elite have adopted the bag so enthusiastically, imitations have become widely available in the fashion industry. The Constance is a must-have addition to any collection and one of those uncommon purses with a steadily increasing market worth. Since our professionals are skilled at spotting even the most convincing fakes, we're offering our authenticity advice to all Hermès enthusiasts. Learn how to spot a genuine Constance with the help of our professionals.


Materials for Hermès Constance

Hermès only employs the best, highest-quality skins for its collection of well-known, lust-worthy bags when it comes to materials. Our specialists state that while the Constance is made in a variety of materials, including exotics, it is customarily constructed in box leather. Alligator and crocodile are well-liked substitutes for the traditional leather form.

The Micro, Mini, 24 cm, and Elan are the four sizes available for the bags. The width of the bag was measured at 23 cm for the original Constance. For an extra touch of luxury, linings should be made of lambskin leather; however, make sure the lining is free of fabric or imitation leather. Observe the adjustable looped strap as well, which may be folded over to form a short shoulder strap or used as a crossbody.


Hardware Hermès Constance

The Constance's recognizable H closure, which is clearly displayed on the bag's lower half, cannot be ignored. The clasp on the Constance is both practical and striking, acting as a brand emblem. Our specialists claim that the clasp's design hasn't altered since it was first created.

Although many will notice that the popular H belt buckle and the Constance clasp share some similarities, ardent Hermès enthusiasts are aware that the two are not exactly alike. Our experts say you can tell the difference between the Constance and the H belt buckle by looking at the serifs. The Constance was introduced before the H belt buckle. Serifs on the Constance H should only extend outward; on the H buckle, however, the serifs should protrude both inward and outward.

An easy way to spot a fake Constance is by looking at the hardware. Our experts point us that for many years, the Constance's clasp was the only kind of hardware available. It was originally made of gold-plated brass. Hermès has introduced enamel and lizard inlay, as well as hardware coated in palladium, in recent years.

A thin plexi plate fastened with flathead screws to the clasp's back is another distinguishing feature of a real Constance. Additionally, "Hermès" ought to be subtly written in the corner of the horizontal bar beneath the clasp.

Hermès Constance Building

Because the Constance has visible outside seams, make sure the seams are not tearing at the bottom corners of the bag when examining it. Our experts advise searching for consistent stitch lines because every exposed seam usually reveals any structural problems. Stitches shouldn't be uneven or duplicated. The edges of the bag should be covered by the wax casing, but no extra wax should be visible.

The bag has an internal pocket with a leather zipper pull shaped like a diamond. The Hermès zipper should always remain parallel to the teeth and never dangle.

Constance Hermès Brand Identifiers

The only recognizable brand label on the Constance is located beneath the front flap. The foil that is heat-stamped with the words "Hermès Paris / Made in France" on a Constance should match the bag's hardware. A warning sign is present if the text is excessively large, is not foiled, or is mismatched with the hardware. Our specialists claim that in order to highlight the brand name, counterfeiters frequently make the stamp extremely large and noticeable, so be sure the scale is right.

The inside of the bag should also have a blind stamp that identifies the year and the craftsman who made it. It is best to bury this blind-debossed code away in the interior near the stitch line, in the upper corner.