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Having trouble verifying the authenticity of your Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet? If so, you're in the correct place to find out.
We'll show you how to recognize a fake Louis Vuitton wallet in just a few easy steps with our guide on the real Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet vs fake.
We'll include links to photographs of authentic and fake Louis Vuitton Sarah wallets with every stage of our legit check guide to make sure you understand every step.
Examining the words printed on the inside side of a fake Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet is the quickest method to identify one. When comparing the internal text of the fake LV Sarah wallets to those of the real LV Sarah wallets, they are consistently misweighted in font.
Regarding the first part of the guide on identifying fake Louis Vuitton Sarah wallets, we will compare the authenticity of the two types of wallets by examining the wording on the inside.
We have identified several font-weight issues with the phony Louis Vuitton wallet in the above image comparing the real and fake versions.
Upon initially examining the "®" registered trademark symbol at the top of the text, you will notice that, in contrast to the genuine wallet's label, the counterfeit wallet's entire symbol appears excessively thick.
Simultaneously, we have also highlighted how the fake wallet's letter "R" is not positioned in the center of the circle in the image above comparing a real and fake LV wallet.
The letter "R" is, however, positioned in the center of the circle on the genuine Louis Vuitton wallet.
Next, we have highlighted in the "LOUIS VUITTON" maintext the excessive thickness of the fake item's "L" and "N" letters as well as the excessive thinness of the remaining letters.
Upon examining the genuine LV Sarah wallet, it is evident that every letter is the same thickness and none of them is either thinner or thicker than intended.
We can see that the fake wallet's writing is excessively thin on the "PARIS" text, one line below, in the photograph above comparing the real and fake Louis Vuitton Sarah wallets.
The final line of text, "made in France," has the same problem with the thin text. Here, you can observe that the phony item's letters are all excessively thin, with the exception of the letter "e," which is overly thick in the "France" text.
Unlike the phony wallet, the genuine Sarah Louis Vuitton wallet has all of its letters in the final rows of text at the same font weight.
We will examine the stitching on the real versus imitation Louis Vuitton Sarah wallets in order to complete the second phase of the guide on identifying fake LV Sarah wallets.
The genuine Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet is shown above, and we've highlighted how the fake wallet's flap stitching is a little off.
The imitation wallet has no stitching at all in the opening fault, whereas the genuine Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet has a line of stitching that runs the length of the wallet.
Moving on to the third method of identifying imitation Louis Vuitton Sarah wallets, let's compare the zippers of the two types of wallets.
The "LV" lettering on the fake wallet's zipper is excessively thick, as can be seen in the following image comparing a real and fake Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet.
However, the lettering on the zipper of the genuine Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet appears narrower than that of the imitation LV Sarah wallet.
The final and fourth stage in our guide to identifying imitation Louis Vuitton Sarah wallets is to compare real and fake LV wallets based on their monogram.
We have highlighted how the monogram of the fake wallet is excessively thin in the image above comparing the actual and fake Louis Vuitton Sarah wallets.
To demonstrate to you how each sign has a different weight when compared to the symbols in other genuine wallets, we have actually highlighted the various types of symbols that each monogram contains.
There are instances in which you might not be able to verify your Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet by following every procedure outlined in detail above.
For this reason, we've put together this short 30-second guide on how to authenticate your Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet. The top 4 clues that might tell you if your Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet is real or fake are listed below.
Examine the wording located on the inside of your wallet. The lettering in the majority of the fake Louis Vuitton Sarah wallets is incorrectly font-weighted, with varying thicknesses for its symbols.
Examine the stitching on the Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet's opening flap. The majority of fake LV Sarah wallets lack stitching on the opening flap.
Examine the "LV" lettering on your Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet's zippers. Typically, the wording on the imitation Louis Vuitton Sarah wallets appears excessively thick in comparison to the language on the zippers of the original wallets.
Check your wallet's famous Louis Vuitton monogram for symbol thickness. The flowers and text in the monogram of most fake LV Sarah wallets appear overly thin, although the genuine wallets' components are typically bulkier.
We can assist you if you require assistance with the authenticity of your Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet.
To receive the results, all you need to do is email us clear photos of your Louis Vuitton Sarah wallet, and we'll respond to you in a day or two. A report detailing our belief as to whether your LV Sarah wallet is authentic or fake will accompany the results.
Having said that, this concludes our tutorial on identifying phony Louis Vuitton Sarah wallets by merely observing the four key areas. We really hope that this information will help you authenticate your Louis Vuitton wallet.
Do you need our opinion on the authenticity of your item? We offer that as a service.